In News

“Watch your thoughts, for they will become actions. Watch your actions, for they’ll become… habits. Watch your habits for they will forge your character. Watch your character, for it will make your destiny.” -Margaret Thatcher

StandUP4SEALs congratulates Governor Chris Christie. At StandUP4SEALs we do not endorse any political party we have members from both sides. We do endorse results and anyone that stands up for the troops. Our criteria is simple, ‘We love this country and those that protect it’. You either StandUP or StandDown. We StandUP!

StandUP4SEALs is committed to honoring the fallen Special Ops warriors by raising awareness and money for the families they have left behind. StandUP4SEALs is an official partner of One Team One Fight, a partnership between the Navy SEAL Foundation and the 31Heroes Project. This Memorial Day Weekend event will serve to honor and support the families those who have fallen and those who still fight on.


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