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One of the benefits of working to raise money for the Naval Special Warfare (NSF) community is that you get exposed to how these men and women measure success. It is very different than how our society measures success. It is not something that is tallied in dollar signs or a blazing list of accomplishments on some social media platform.

Success in the NSF community is measured by how much you give not how much you get. It is defined by how much you did for your team, what type of reputation you stand on and what your teammates can expect from you when they embark on missions. This type of currency is one that is counted by the following attributes: character, integrity and leadership. It is all the stuff you read about in an MBA program or train on in some corporate leadership course but, rarely ever see in practice.

So, how does the NSF community bestow this accolade when it is earned? They bestow it with two simple words:  ‘Good Operator’ – a leader who earns these two simple words has achieved the pinnacle of success.  If it is casually stated over a beer in a bar with little fanfare and brings a genuine smile to a former teammate’s face, then you have truly mastered your craft.

So, how much have you given? Would your friends or coworkers define you as a ‘Good Operator’?

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